TRANSFORMATIVE PATHWAYS: Climate and gender-just alternatives to intersecting crises
This year, with the support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), we launched a publication showcasing the contribution of local initiatives to climate change mitigation and gender equality. For this, we analysed the Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement from a climate justice and ecofeminist perspective to highlight alternative pathways to achieving them. This publication proposes gender-specific targets for each of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that challenge current production and consumption patterns, foster equity, and strive for peace. This publication is a tool to inform policymakers, civil society organizations, and practitioners about alternative and transformative models for tackling climate change. This is inspired by four gender-just climate initiatives in the Global South. The leaders of these organizations will showcase their exemplary work, methods, and lessons learned.
This event will open a learning space for policymakers, practitioners, and leaders of gender-just climate solutions to talk more broadly about their experiences and lessons learned over the years in their community work for mitigation with a gender focus.