Transformative pathways: climate and gender-just alternatives to intersecting crises
Development as we know it today has been shaped by the historical and ongoing exploitation of territories. As well as outsourcing of labour, impacting gender roles and our geopolitical landscape. Consequently affecting our modes of production. The goal? Infinite economic growth.
Decades of excessive natural resource extraction have caused permanent and irreversible loss and damage to various communities around the world. Additionally, this process has not only altered physical infrastructures, but also threatened traditional ways of life that used to coexist in harmony with the environment.
This publication analyses the 2030 Agenda and Paris Agreement. Moreover, it outlines recommendations for policy benchmarks needed for a transformation to a sustainable present and future. Through proposing specific economic, environmental, and gendered targets for the Sustainable Development Goals. By systematising experiences, this publication gathers evidence on concrete alternatives to current development models. Highlighting especially community and context-based alternatives existing on the ground, where gender-just solutions are used to mitigate climate change. These solutions recognise women in all their diversity as vital agents of change. Through building people-powered democracies instead of individualistic or profit-oriented climate solutions.
The purpose of this publication is to contribute to a systemic transformation by collecting evidence that demonstrates that another world is possible. Moreover, it aims to broaden the recognition of how local and gender-just solutions contributes to tackling intersecting crises, particularly the climate crisis.
The grassroots initiatives in this publication demonstrate possible transformative pathways for decolonising the work done to tackle our world’s intersecting crises.
Authors & editor
Gina Cortés Valderrama (WECF), Valeria Peláez Cardona (WECF), Agnes Mirembe (ARUWE), Fatou Ndoye (Enda Graf Sahel), Maria Victoria Bojacá (Enda Colombia), Sevidzem Ernestine Leikeki (CAMGEW), Sarah Fisher Davis, Stony Brook University.
Design and illustrations
Puntoaparte Editores, Colombia
Paola Martínez Papamija, Fabien Rymland-Ergueta, François Silvestre
This publication was supported by Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the SPARK Programme supported by the European Union.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of GIZ, BMZ or the European Union. European Union.