What we do

The EU-funded project aims at scaling-up the involvement of women, as agents of change, in the Renewable Energy Sector (RES), particularly in Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC) solutions, to facilitate a gender-just and sustainable energy transition.

To tackle the different barriers and challenges, hindering women from entering the sector, the project has a multi-facetted approach, addressing the different stakeholders.

We develop case studies that show how women overcome barriers to the market launch of renewable energy technologies and thereby advance the spread of RHC in the target markets examined. In order to achieve greater participation of women, we strengthen awareness of gender-relevant aspects and gender-sensitive communication within the project team and among relevant stakeholders from business, politics and science through capacity building and information materials. In addition, specific measures to support women-led RHC projects and political recommendations to promote the RHC market are being developed, which are based on socially and gender-equitable framework conditions.

Focus areas

Although the EU is the global leader in the use of renewable energy, progress in these technologies has been lagging behind for years – especially in the area of renewable heating and cooling (RHC). Although we need all our strength to achieve our climate and energy goals, the existing potential is not being utilised. Women in particular are very active as agents of change in the environmental and climate movement and, according to 2018 OECD surveys, are “comparatively more sustainable consumers and more sensitive to environmental and health concerns”. Research shows that women tend to prioritise an energy-efficient lifestyle more than men. At the same time, however, they are underrepresented in the energy sector and on energy policy committees.


Greece, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Denmark, Norway


Q-Plan International Advisors Pc (Q-Plan), Agenzia Per La Promozione Della Ricerca Europea (APRE), Civiesco Srl (CIVI), Steinbeis 2i Gmbh (S2i), Hochschule Für Technik Stuttgart (HFT), Eurec Eesv (EUREC), White Research Sprl (WR), Pedal Consulting Sro (Pedal), Energy Agency Of Plovdiv Association (EAP), European Green Cities Aps (EGC), European Centre For Women And Technology (ECWT) 



Capacity building program

for gender mainstreaming in the field of renewable heating and cooling (RHC) and renewable energies (RE)

Do you want to improve gender equality in the renewable energy sector? But you lack arguments or guidelines for implementation? Then the W4RES Capacity building program for women empowerment in the RHC sector is for you! This seminar plan with twelve modules contains a lot of useful toolkits, instructions and documents for further training on gender issues in the energy sector.


Gender-sensitive communication


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