What we do
What we do
Currently many products at the market incorporate nano materials for which a proper risk assessment can not be made. Contrary to the REACH principle ‘no data no market’ the presence of nano materials in its content is generally not reported either. Given this situation, it is the demand of many stakeholders (industrial companies as well as consumers and their organisations) to be informed about the possible dangers of nano materials used in their products to be able to perform an independent risk assessment and if deemed necessary to develop a risk management strategy.
This is very important taking into account the European GREEN DEAL for a non-toxic circular economy, and the use of the precautionary principle, as advocated by European and National governmental in case of knowledge gaps and/ or uncertainties. Based on this principle, a diversity of tools need to be developed to support consumers, employers and employees in assessing uncertain risks of nano materials and nano products and performing risk management.
The EU-project NANORIGO (NANOtechnology RIsk GOvernance) aims to develop and implement a transparent, transdisciplinary and science-based Risk Governance Framework (RGF) for nanotechnology.
Our specific role as WECF is to be a critical partner in the consortium, bringing in a gender perspective and putting the precautionary principle first to protect the health of women and workers at the workplace and as consumers.
NANORIGO is an EU funded project (under the heading of the Horizon 2020 programme), including 28 research institutes, industry, regulatory and civil society organisations. In the period from 2019 to 2023, NANORIGO’s stated aim is to ‘develop a comprehensive and reliable risk governance framework for nanotechnologies (RGF), for managing possible risks associated with nanomaterials, facilitate future innovations, while assuring social, environmental and economic benefits.’
Within NANORIGO WECF France is national project partner in France. WECF International is active in the Users Committee (UC) and will create more awarness on nanotechnology and nano risk governance.
Focus areas
The ultimate aim of NANORIGO is to deliver a Risk Governance Framework for the safety of nanomaterials, for risk assessment, hazard and exposure, human health and environment, and risk mitigation including regulatory aspects of safe-by-design. The RGF will be developed through engagement with stakeholders across research, industry, regulation and civil society, and will be based on high-quality scientific data and tools for the physico chemical characterization of nano materials, and the assessment of exposure, hazard and risk for humans and the environment.
During the 4 years of the project, WECF France is the official partner in the NANORIGO project, and WECF International will perform a part of the activities as well. WECF will play an important role in adding the voice of women’s and environmental organisations and is involved in a panel of activities performed with other members of the consortium:
- participation to the Users Committee (UC) to reflect the concerns, needs, and positions of civil society,
- ensure the development of governance tools adequate for users,
- perform a case-study to demonstrate sustainable solutions (the Netherlands),
- disseminate information on the project, including organising one workshop for specific target groups,
- liaise with other environmental, health and women’s NGOs to reflect on their position within the NANORIGO consortium,
European Union
NANORIGO is presented by 28 partners from various countries.
NANORIGO project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under the Grant Agreement number 814530.