We are seeking to attain the highest possible levels of integrity, financial management and accountability. Our organisation has therefore adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of inappropriate behaviour, including our Policy to prevent and address sexual harassment and abuse and our Anti-fraud and anti-corruption policy. As a result, we have adopted a range of proactive measures to prevent and deter acts of inappropriate behaviour.
Any person who witnesses a violation of our Code of conduct is invited to report this violation, and any person to whom the Code of Conduct applies, who witnesses a violation of it, is required to report the violation at the earliest possible moment.
Violations can be reported to the responsible manager or our Integrity Officer (see contact details below). Suspicions involving a member of the Board of Directors can be brought to the Integrity Advisor in the Board of Trustees. Also, when a person does not feel comfortable to report to the responsible manager or internal Integrity Officer, a report can be filed to the Integrity Advisor in the Board of Trustees.
If the reporting person does not want to use the aforementioned notification procedures, the final option is to contact the external whistle-blower point. Please read our Whistleblower policy before doing so. In case the reporter would like to get independent advice and support while protecting their identity, they can contact the external Person of Trust.
Contact persons
Report your grievances about any issues to our focal points. You can find the contact relevant information below:
Integrity Officer (staff)
Integrity Adviser (Board of Trustees)
External whistle-blower point
External Person of Trust
Kitty Bentvelsen