For too long the EU has been making policy decisions that do not factor in the real experience of the people who live in the EU. That’s why we want to hear from you! We plan to use our feminist methods of workshopping to centre these lived experiences in a citizens decision-making space on what a feminist green transition could and should look like.
Come along and meet citizens from across Europe. Help us make democracy stronger by sharing your every day experiences, as we work together to place them within the wider framework of the EU’s climate and environmental action.
Is this session just for feminists, or just for women? Absolutely not! This session is for people of all genders regardless of prior knowledge who want to help us find new ways of working on the green transition in Europe. We are trying to outline how gender roles impact the EU Green Deal, and what obstacles we must overcome to make EU policies a better reflection of our realities
This pan-european assembly will use creative democratic methods to bring those usually excluded from EU policy making to the forefront. We are looking for people from all backgrounds to participate, so even if you know nothing about the EU or how it works, please apply! This will be a safe space for everyone where we will test new engaging methods for participation.