Join our online launch event and webinar series ‘Ecofeminist Scorecard EU Elections 2024’!
Several weeks ago, we started a journey towards the 2024 EU elections with the launch of our EU Elections Toolkit for Youth, and now it’s time for us to take the next step. Do you want to know what political parties say about topics like gender, youth, just transition, and the ecological crises? Then join us as we reveal our Ecofeminist Scorecard.
There is little time left until the EU Elections of 2024. In previous EU elections of 2019, young people made a significant difference in voter turnout. This time, with the far-right on the rise, wars happening around us, spreading hate and intolerance, and the future of the European Green Deal on the table, the involvement of young people is more crucial than ever.
That is why WECF International is throwing the ultimate launch party for our Ecofeminist Scorecard, and we would love for you to be there! If you want to join us, be sure to register using the link below. You can also attend our special sessions to learn more about the ecofeminist issues that are important to us and that have been scored in the last few months. All events will be online.
During the webinar series, we will launch the campaigning website and dive into some thematic areas that are especially important these EU Elections. We’ll delve into what’s at stake and how to stand united in the coming years. Bring your energy, your questions, and your friends!
The events will be in English, but you feel more comfortable in listening to the launch in your own language, please let us know in the sign-up form and we will try and arrange simultaneous translation for you.
RSVP by signing up via the links below to save your spot and stay in the loop. We hope to see you at one of the webinars soon!
Official Launch EU Ecofeminist Scorecard
May 8, 15:00 CEST
Sign up here
Youth participation & Gender Just Energy Transition
May 16, 15:00 CEST
Sign up here.
Agriculture & Hazardous Chemicals
May 23, 15:00 CEST
Sign up here.
Fair Trade & Polluter Pays
May 30, 15:00 CEST
Sign up here.