What we do

The Imagining a Climate-Just Future, short Imagining, project connects different communities and supports teamwork to create a fair and sustainable Europe. It uses ecofeminist, intersectional, decolonial, and transdisciplinary ideas to inspire people to think about a positive future and act to make it happen. The project wants to get people talking and involved in climate action, especially young people and those not yet part of the climate movement. It encourages citizens to understand important policies like the European Green Deal, suggest solutions, and make sure leaders do their job.

The project focuses on activism, cities, and culture as important ways to bring change. It helps young climate activists work with policy processes, supports local actions and ideas through community discussions, and uses art and different disciplines to reach more people and promote cultural changes.

This initiative brings together 15 different organizations, including Oxfam offices from Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, and Spain (Intermón), as well as Women Engage for a Common Future, Save the Children offices in Kosovo, Albania, and Romania, CREDA Onlus, La Xixa Theatre, Xarxa d’Economia Solidària, Altekio, Makesense, and the University of Twente/Green Hub.

The goal is to involve more than 3,400 people from 11 European countries (Albania, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Netherlands, Romania, and Spain) in over 50 creative and participatory activities. These activities include events like “climate trains,” public meetings, workshops to imagine future scenarios, theatre performances, and interactive talks with policymakers.

Focus areas

The project has two main goals: involving citizens, especially young people, in climate policy discussions and raising awareness about climate justice through various activities. It aims to connect people’s ideas with policymaking and encourage active participation in creating sustainable solutions.


Albania, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Denmark, Romania, Kosova


CERV consortium members: Oxfam Intermón (OES) - Project lead, Oxfam Ireland (OIR), Oxfam France (OFR), Oxfam Belgium (OBE), Oxfam Denmark (ODK),Save the Children Albania (SCiA), Kosovo (SCiK), Romania (SCRO) , Women Engaged for a Common Future (WECF), Xarxa d'Economia Solidaria (XES), Altekio , La Xixa Teatre (XIXA), CREDA onlus (CREDA), Makesense, Associate Partner: University Twente/Green Hub
