The years 2016 and 2017 were some of the deadliest years for women’s human rights & environmental defenders (WHRDs) fighting on the frontline for their human rights and environmental justice. This campaign shows what real wonder women look like, honours freedom fighters and raise awareness of the work left to do to ensure their safety and full enjoyment of their human rights.
Our aim
The Women’s Major Group and the Women & Gender Constituency are constantly pushing for more security and governmental accountability. With this campaign we aim at having human rights commitments included in Goal 5 of Agenda 2030, but also across all aspects of climate change solutions. Together we are standing up inside (and outside) the corridors of the United Nations for the women human rights and environmental defenders who continue to risk their lives as they work fearlessly to advance women’s rights and defend the climate in their communities and countries.
On the frontlines
How can the 2030 Agenda plan for action for people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership when our colleagues are being harassed and criminalized? How are indigenous people listed as a vulnerable group that needs to be empowered to achieve the 2030 Agenda, yet when they speak up, their safety is put at risk? How is it that the role of local communities and indigenous peoples are recognized in achieving the targets and goals set in Paris and the 2030 Agenda, when they are being arrested or murdered? How are we fighting for universal peace when leaders call civil society terrorists, from Philippine President Duterte to UN Environment Programme Executive Director Erik Solheim.