Feminists want system change in Central Asia – policy brief
On 20 October 2020, an online consultation was held with civil society organisations from Central Asia aimed to discuss situations and recommendations on common vision and priorities for the Generation Equality Forum and Action Coalitions. Activists, representatives of feminist and youth groups, researchers, mass media representatives from Central Asia discussed the gender equality situation in the region, including the existing challenges towards women’s rights as well as problems related to the COVID-19 crisis. The following topics were discussed:
- Feminist activism for climate justice
- Economic justice and rights
- Physical integrity, sexual and reproductive health and rights
- Elimination of gender-based violence
- Feminist movements and leadership
94 activists and civil society organisation representatives took part in the event, including 35 representatives of youth organisations and/or young activists, including, by country:
This policy brief presents consolidated conclusions and recommendations proposed by the consultations’ participants for further joint promotion through participation in dialogues and decision-making processes, specifically in relation to the Generation Equality Forum’s Action Coalitions.
This policy brief was developed in line with the sub-regional consultations, organised by women’s rights and gender equality CSOs from Europe and Central Asia, with the support of UN Women’s Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia and Women Engage for a Common Future.
These consultations have been made possible with a financial support from the Swiss Agency for Development, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Women 2030 and EuropeAid. The content of these consultations and this policy brief is the product of the civil society participants and should not be interpreted to represent the views of the financial donors, Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF), UN Women’s Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia or the Moderators.