Berlin Ukraine Energy Events Recap – October 2023

Our key expert on Communications and Gender for the TEAD Energy Training Programme in Ukraine, Chantal Van den Bossche, had the privilege of attending two remarkable events in Berlin last October, focusing on sustainable recovery efforts for Ukraine, presenting the TEAD programme there and meeting up with many NGOs from Ukraine, including partners from Ecoclub and Razom We Stand and representatives of the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy, the Heinrich Boell Foundation, GIZ and the newly started Ukraine Green Deal programme.

The Women Energy Club of Ukraine’s Annual Conference “No Energy Without Gender”

This year’s conference, held in Berlin, addressed gender equality in the energy sector. The first panel discussed the situation during crises, featuring insightful talks by industry experts. The second panel delved into inclusion, social justice, and the role of women in post-crisis energy recovery. Special recognition was given to outstanding contributors during the “Women of Ukrainian Energy in 2023” awards ceremony, adding a touch of social justice to the discussions.

German-Ukrainian Energy Day & Build Ukraine Back Better meeting

Joint efforts between Ukraine and Germany in green energy transformation were highlighted during the 3rd German-Ukrainian Energy Day. Representatives from both countries discussed energy cooperation and the importance of the German-Ukrainian energy partnership in supporting Ukraine’s recovery from Russian aggression. Noteworthy initiatives include Germany’s significant contribution to the Ukraine Energy Support Fund, aiming to restore Ukrainian energy infrastructure. Plans for expanding energy corridors, creating a “green hub” in Ukraine, and fostering renewable energy were also discussed. The collaboration emphasized the crucial role of international support for sustainable reconstruction and energy independence in Ukrainian communities.