A Feminist European Green Deal – towards an ecological and gender just transition
This report utilises an intersectional, ecofeminist analysis to identify gaps in three key areas of the European Green Deal’s policy making: energy, transport and agriculture. The European Green Deal (EGD) remains gender blind to a large extent despite the Von der Leyen Commission’s ob- jective of achieving a Union of Equality. This report makes recommendations on how European Union (EU) policies seeking to reduce carbon emissions must shift from being gender blind to gender transformative policies to deliver better on both climate and equality targets. Putting the question of gender equality into the wider context of the transformation of the EU’s economic system, it suggests a reimagining of the European Green Deal away from being a growth strategy still focused on increasing the volume of the economy (as measured in gross domestic product (GDP) growth) towards a true wellbeing economy centred on care for people and the planet. Alongside general tools and recommendations to ensure climate policies increase and do not undermine gender equality (such as the need to collect gender-disaggregated data, systematic gender budgeting, ex ante gender impact assessments, improved strategies to ensure parity in political representation and climate negotiations), the report provides specific, sectoral recommendations for climate-related policies which are currently on the political agenda.
Rose Heffernan, Patrizia Heidegger, Gabriele Köhler, Anke Stock, Katy Wiese