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February 13, 2025
Anti-harmful substances guidebooks: now in English!
February 11, 2025
INCiTiS-FOOD Open Call for Local Innovation Hubs: Apply!
February 3, 2025
For us ecofeminism means, using an intersectional feminist approach when fighting structural barriers that prevents us from enjoying a healthy environment. Meaning, we take a holistic approach, recognising that we all come with a different baggage of discrimination (or lack thereof) depending on our gender, age, ethnicity, sexual identity, education, religion, ability or social class. These barriers, among others, include extractivism, militarism, gender-based violence and shrinking space for civil society to influence.
The term was first coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw and in simple terms means that a person does not only experience the world from the perspective of patriarchy, but through an interplay of various discriminating power structures. In other words, the interplay of discrimination due to education, ethnicity, social class, sexuality, ability, age, language, race, culture, and gender determines a person’s opportunities and how they interact with society.
You might have seen this spelling of “women” on our website. We use it in short for “women in all their diversity” to recognise that women are not one homogenous group.
WOMEN2030 – Women and the SDGs
A coalition led by us and 4 of our global partners. Building on local experiences, we are putting gender at the heart of Agenda 2030.
Women’s Major Group
We are the organising partner for the UNECE region of this global feminist network, with official UN observer status, following Agenda 2030.
Women & Gender Constituency
A UNFCCC stakeholder group. Together we are working to ensure women’s experiences and rights are embedded in all climate change processes.