WECF calls on governments for urgent de-escalation of conflict in Ukraine
As civil-society feminist networks and non-governmental organisations, we are extremely concerned about the situation in Ukraine, a country where we have been working for many years with civil society partners for peaceful and sustainable development.
All governments must invest in dialogue and peace and support to women’s rights and civil society organisations, and networks of peace builders and human rights defenders in the region, in line with the UN Security Council Resolution 1325. Together with other civil society organisations in the OSCE region, we are very concerned about the insufficient promotion of a peaceful, diplomatic solution to the ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine. We express our deepest regrets to the families of the many victims this conflict has already cost.
As a global network and non-governmental organisations, we work closely with women and environmental civil society organisations in the whole region including Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and Moldova , and this has always been a relationship of mutual respect and inspiring cooperation for environmentally sustainable and gender-just solutions for common challenges. We call on governments to respect the sovereignty of Ukraine and Moldova. We stand in solidarity with our partners in the region.
We call on the governments to take immediate steps to de-escalate and demilitarise the conflict and to engage in cooperation including through the Organisation of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) as a substantial bridge between East and West, linking the three dimensions (security, human dimension and economy, environment).
Violence is never a solution. Sustainable economic and social development and peace can only be achieved by dialogue and cooperation. We condemn military action in the region, in particular during a global health pandemic, instead there is the need for substantial investments in health care, social infrastructure, economic cooperation and climate solutions. WECF and partners are working on innovative renewable energy solutions with local communities that create jobs, promote democracy and gender equality.
We call on you to choose for peace, sustainable development and cooperation.
The WECF teams in France, Germany, Georgia and Netherlands