WECF International Activity Report 2020
The year 2020 has been a difficult year, for our partners and for the world, as many colleagues and family members were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. As an ecofeminist network we note with concern that this worsened the situation of women and environmental rights defenders in many countries. Even though the economic slowdown from the pandemic halted Green House Gas emissions from many sectors, the onslaught on forests and biodiversity continued unabated, as the expansion of plantations linked to meat production and biofuels continued. Often it are women in all their diversities, that stand at the forefront of fighting against deforestation, mining and agro-industrial expansion, while at the same time they carried the additional burden caused by the pandemic. Faced with combined crises of covid-19 and climate change, we have been standing up even stronger for women’s rights and have been able to mobilise with new alliances, building new networks.
In the WECF International Activity Report for 2020 we present our collective achievements from last year. We were able to continue a great part of the planned activities in a hybrid format, and the in-person activities were moved forward into the next year, thanks to our donors willingness to provide flexible timelines for our programmes. We hope this year’s report will inspire you to join forces with us in changing the future.