Toxic free periods

If there is one issue at the intersection of health, environment and the rights of women and gender non-conforming people – it is our menstruation. In the Netherlands, both among the public and policymakers, little attention is still paid to the environmental and health problems associated with our periods.

In addition to the existig taboo on menstruation itself, there are two other taboos that remain underexposed in the current social debate: the environmental and health aspects. Disposable menstrual products are not only harmful to the environment, as landfill waste and polluter of our sewers, beaches and oceans, but they may also be harmful to our health. Producers do not have to disclose the ingredients they use. In addition, the taboo on menstruation also has a huge impact on the products we use. A changing social and cultural attitude towards our periods could have a major impact on both our own health and on our mountains of waste. For example, greater openness would make wearing healthier options such as washable pads so much easier and more accessible.

We can turn the tide
With this publication we not only want to inform people who menstruate, but also encourage the use of more sustainable, safer and cheaper alternatives. We would like to work towards more openness, more facts and more knowledge about menstruation, with a particular focus on the environmentally polluting and unfair aspects of ‘common’ menstrual products and habits. Would you like to contribute to this as well? Make it discussion topic in your own circles, talk about it at home. After all, openness is good for the women’s cause, the environment and our health.
