Stop the war in Ukraine

Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine is an assault on democracy and a violation of international law.  As a network of civil-society feminist networks and non-governmental organisations, we are extremely saddened and shocked about the brutal invasion of Ukraine, a  country where we have been working for many years with civil society partners for peaceful and sustainable development.

Top priority must be now to stop the war, to return Russian troops to base and to start a real peace process. War and violence are never a solution.

Sustainable economic and social development and peace can only be achieved by dialogue and cooperation.  Together with our partners, we are working on gender- and socially just renewable energy solutions with local communities that reduce poverty, create decent jobs, promote democracy and gender equality and GUARANTEE PEACE!

As ecofeminists, we demand:

  • immediate ceasefire, all bombing should stop in Ukraine and worldwide;
  • immediate cessation of all hostilities around nuclear power plants and oil and gas lines;
  • implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325, and include women & youth in ceasefire and peace talks (50%);
  • equal human and asylum rights for all refugees regardless of country of origin;
  • special protection for ALL, against gender-based violence, such as trafficking as a result of war and displacement;
  • support to all human rights defenders and pacifists – in Ukraine, EU countries, Russia and much more;
  • we strongly encourage states, including Russia to ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

We stand in maximum solidarity with our partners in Ukraine and in the whole region, and call for peace.
