Shadow Report Colombia
The Colombia report points to the correlation between the end of the armed conflict and the increase in deforestation rates. The government also shows a lack of political will to synergise the implementation of Agenda 2030 and the implementation of the Peace Agreement, which acts as a key barrier to achieving genuine sustainable development. The report was produced by the Global Forest Coalition
In 2018 the SDGs under review include: SDG 6 water and sanitation, SDG 7 energy, SDG 11 resilient and sustainable cities, SDG 12 sustainable consumption and production, SDG 15 forests and biodiversity and SDG 17 means of implementation. This year 47 countries will also be presenting their Voluntary National Reviews, which are country-driven reviews on the progress made at the national and sub-national levels. With these reports, GFC aims to bring to the fore the key perspective and recommendations of forest-dependent communities and women in implementing SDG 15.2.
The Global Forest Coalition is launching four brief alternative country reports at this year’s United Nations High Level Political Forum (HLPF), currently ongoing in New York. The reports highlight concerns and recommendations regarding the progress made on SDG 15.2 on halting deforestation through a gender lens.