We have, together with Women’s Major Group, created a online communications plan for civil society activism around the activities on Beijing Platform for Action. It’s been 25 years since one of the most progressive agendas for women’s rights and gender equality was set in Beijing. We have seen progress throughout the years, but also a backlash and pink-washing. As we embark on the policy journey of Beijing Platform for Actions 25th anniversary, we want to set the record straight, feminists want system change, we want a progressive commitment and action on gender equality now! Below are some info about the hashtags we will use, some resources and tools for amplifying your digital activism. Join us!
Main hashtags
- #FeministsWantSystemChange – This is our main hashtag for the Beijing+25 process, it has been used during the Asia-Pacific & UN ECE regional meetings, and at COP25. It will also be running during CSW, Generation Equality Forums (Mexico & France), HLPF and UNGA. Use this hashtag in all your posts on Beijing+25 to get your messages shared by Women’s Major Group on social.
- #GenerationEquality – This is the main hashtag used by UN Women for the whole process and also for UN Women’s campaign “Generation Equality” that focuses especially on youth participation to Beijing+25 processes.
- #Equal2030 & #Beijing25 – These are the two hashtags that the UN ECE and UN Women ECE have put out for the Regional Review Meeting in Geneva.
- Other hashtags – #BeijingPlus25 #Beijing25Years #BPfA #WomensGlobalStrike #StopTheWorld #IfWomenStopTheWorldStops #FeministDemand
Main websites for more information
- WMG CSO Forum on Beijing+25
- UN Women Beijing+25 Website
- UNECE Beijing+25 Website
- Feminist Civil Society Benchmarks for Success of the Beijing+25 Process
We have created some sample graphics that you are free to use. They are stored here. We also encourage you to use your own photos and graphics, as well as gifs from Giphy.
Sample posts
Nearly 25 years ago, more than 30000 feminists met at the 4th World Conference on Women, to set the political agenda for the future. Read the outcome, Beijing Platform for Action here: http://bit.ly/2oe8d9L #GenerationEquality #FeministsWantSystemChange
The outcome of 1995 Beijing World Conference on Women, Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA) is still considered one of the most progressive internationally agreed documents on women’s human rights: http://bit.ly/2oe8d9L #beijing25 #GenerationEquality #FeministsWantSystemChange
25 years after Beijing, governments, international institutions & CSOs are coming together, all around the globe for stocktaking & forward-looking strategies. 5 regional meetings, 1 CSW & 2 Global Forums wait ahead for #Beijing25. #GenerationEquality #FeministsWantSystemChange
Beijing Platform for Action (#BPfA) requires states to undertake a review of accomplishments & gaps every 5 years. In #Beijing25, as CSOs, we don’t want just a review, we want re-commitment to the Platform and gender equality #GenerationEquality #FeministsWantSystemChange
#BPfA address 12 areas: poverty, education, health, violence, armed conflict, economy, decision making, institutional mechanisms, human rights, media, environment & girl child. What have we achieved in 25 years? #FeministsWantSystemChange
Global review of #Beijing25 will take place at CSW64, 8–20 March’20. Civil society wants a strong political declaration, reflecting commitments of Beijing & going beyond, addressing systematic barriers against gender equality. #FeministsWantSystemChange #GenerationEquality
Many countries have prepared extensive national reports on their achievements and the gaps remaining on BPfA implementation for #Beijing25 review. All submitted national reports can be accessed at: https://bit.ly/33c0iZx #GenerationEquality #FeministsWantSystemChange
Young people are stepping up to overcome structural barriers & ask for accountability in all spheres of life. W/ #GenerationEquality, on the 25th year of Beijing Platform, young women are joining the action for gender equality & women’s human rights #FeministsWantSystemChange
25 years after the Beijing Conference, there are no countries that have achieved gender equality. Social, ecological and economic systematic barriers are causing backsteps on commitments made at Beijing! We need to move forward! #FeministsWantSystemChange #GenerationEquality
Global feminist CSOs&activists brought together Benchmarks for Success of #Beijing25 Process. Document recommends actions to Core Group for Beijing+25, UN actors, gov’t officials, corporate reps. & CSOs. Can be accessed here: http://bit.ly/2nvP8Qi #FeministsWantSystemChange
Global-to-Local linkages, embrace of intersectionality, clear and consistent feminist leadership and inclusiveness are the guiding principles from Global Feminist Civil Society Benchmarks for Success of the #beijing25 Process. For more: http://bit.ly/2nvP8Qi #FeministsWantSystemChange
Climate change, neoliberalism, rise of authoritarian regimes and antigender movements continue to threaten women’s human rights & progress made since Beijing’1995. #FeministsWantSystemChange to prevent backlashes and achieve gender equality. #equality2030 #GenerationEquality
When and where to post
- Twitter – Use for live reporting, tweet good quotes, figures and photos etc.
- Facebook – Requires content that is a little bit more engaging, perhaps an interview you have done, or something a bit more conceptional where you explain a little bit longer what is happening at the meetings and why it matters. Also, short catchy posts with slogans are successful, as well as news articles.
- Instagram – The same as for Facebook, but you should focus more on personal content. Instagram is becoming increasingly popular during UN conferences, but pay attention to the quality of the photo, a low-quality photo can lead to a drastic drop in followers. You should also avoid spamming your Instagram feed, but you can use Instagram stories for quick and short updates. Remember to add the main hashtag (#FeministsWantSystemChange) in your story and all the relevant hashtags in your posts.
- Blogs – It can also be a good idea to write opinion pieces and try and have them published on news outlets and online magazines
Resources & tools
We have collected some resources and tools below which you might find helpful when drafting your own content and social media messages on Beijing+25.