We have finalised the second deliverable for EUWES!

D1.2 “Report On Mapping Of National Gender Policies In The Energy Sector” analyses the status quo of gender mainstreaming in the German energy sector, looking at the economic, political and academic spheres.   

The report begins with a brief introduction to the gender-energy nexus and the methodology of gender-just policy mapping. This is followed by an overview of gender equality policy programmes and laws in Germany on the one hand and current programmes and laws on renewable energies on the other.  

For a more in-depth analysis, the Energy Industry Act (EnWG), the Energy Efficiency Strategy for Buildings (EES), the Building Energy Act (GEG) and the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) were consulted and analysed with regard to gender aspects. The main finding here is that none of these laws or strategies consistently consider the integration of the social or gender dimension and that the identified gaps should therefore be filled by energy and climate policy makers in the political decision-making process.   

Furthermore, D1.2 analyses the representation of women in energy politics, in the energy industry and in research and science by drawing on interviews with relevant stakeholders and current gender-specific data on environmental and climate ministries. Here, the picture is reinforced that the underrepresentation of women is already due to gender stereotypes in school education (in that boys are ascribed a greater interest in STEM subjects).   

Based on the results of the analysis and the impulses of the stakeholders, the report concludes with recommendations for more consistent gender mainstreaming in the German energy sector.