Multi-Annual Strategy 2021-2025 WECF International
As an ecofeminist network we are outraged by the growing inequalities, rise of authoritarian governments and the roll-back of women’s rights in many countries around the world. At the same time, we are alarmed about the environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity and climate change. We witness that most often it is women, in all their diversities, who are in the frontline fighting against these issues, while at the same time they disproportionately face the negative consequences in their daily lives.
On top of these crises we face the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic causing an increase of gender-based violence, human rights violations, income deprivation and exposing more women worldwide to health and economic risks. Meanwhile the pandemic has shown the resilience and power of women, who have been on the frontline of fighting the pandemic in essential occupations. We also learnt that we are able to organize and advocate for change despite the challenges, creating new ways to engage with each other and with policy makers.
Change is possible, therefore we present our Multi-Annual Strategy for the period 2021-2025